Monday, September 25, 2006

Moe, moe, moe, moe...

Not updated for a while, so thought I'd put a random post on here...
Nothing much different really, Back from my Holiday a week ago (which went too bloody fast, add the fact we had to come back a day early - long story). Work is quite quiet at the moment due to My main source of work here in the building being on her honeymoon..

Sidenote - Do I say "At the Moment" too much? Leanne thinks so, to the degree that she's started calling me 'Moe'...

I've been told I may finally get my car today! It was supposed to get here last Tuesday, then Wednesday, then Thursday etc, So I won't believe it till its here in the car park.

The deadline of or sketching comp thing has been delayed till next week I think, so nothing to update there.

All in all quite a boring post! Told you there was nothing going on didn't I!


Tuesday, September 05, 2006


It's time to submit my entry for this competition thing going on between Myself, Apathy in the UK and Scampiart. Scampiart has her entry up (See linkie on the right) and we're still waiting for Apathy's image, although He has just moved house so not surprising...

Ok, so I had a go at re-designing this little character - . For those not familiar with Chorlton and the Wheelies, here's a brief description I found on the web -

Chorlton hatched out of an egg one day in Wheelie World, and freed the Wheelies from Fenella's sadness spell. Despite the fact that they found him odd-looking, the Wheelies wanted to adopt their new-found saviour, but he didn't know where he came from or even what his name was. Then someone happened to notice that the words "Made in Chorlton-Cum-Hardy" were written on his egg, so they named him Chorlton. He drives Fenella crazy by totally missing the point of her evil schemes, and refusing to take her at all seriously. But although Chorlton's not too bright and rather clumsy, his heart's in the right place.

Now I hadn't actually Heard of Chorlton and the Wheelies before Marcus set the competition, but I looked into and and found the wheelies where cool little People with Wheels... Sounded good to me... Zoomer, the "Fastest Wheelie in the world" wears a cool little pair of second world war Flying Goggles, so I had a crack at him, and came up with -

(Click for a bigger version)

I wanted to make him an old timer, mainly because of the flying goggles. I know Zoomer in the original was a young-un, but this is my spin on him...

Comments are welcome.