Thursday, August 31, 2006

Busy busy busy...

Not posted much on here recently, so thought I'd do a quick update...
Works the same, all plodding along nicely, although I was off for two days last week with a bad neck. It's amazing how much hassle and stress you can cause when you have a day off sick - I didn't realise I was appreciated that much! Oh hang on, thats right, I'm not....

Wig is moving down to Bath this weekend, so we're having a good-bye drink, so thats gonna be sad, although it's not like we're not going to see him for a while - we're going on holiday a week later!

A while ago Wig (from Apathy in the Uk - see left for link) and I used to do little sketching competitions judged by our fair Mr Beard. We've recently decided to start them up again, only time we're doing a three way (?) with Sarah (from Scampiart - see left for link). Never met her before but I've seen her work and I know I'm gonna have to pull something a bit special out of the bag even to compete with her and wig... Game on! Here is the brief -

"Right you want something to do a modern,adult, cutting edge concept on. Well
here is a selection of Childrens programmes we all know and love, choose a
character (or two) and off you go. Here's the list, you may not like it,
but I don't care. :)

Count Duckula
Chorlton and the Wheelies
Trap Door

As for time I'm sure 4 weeks should be enough to see something produce, if
you disagree let me know and I'll laugh at you. Now get to it, your lucky I
didn't stick in Worzel Gummidge."

Really have to get cracking on it...


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