Monday, August 14, 2006

Changing Style...

Went to the memerobilia fair with Craig at the NEC yesterday. Talk about a complete Geek heaven - I was in awe!!! Way too much nice stuff to spend hard earned cash on...
It did make me really wanna come home and draw though, and got me thinking about a web comic. I have a few vague idea, but we shall see how the sketches turn out.
I have been playing about with different styles too, and I came up with this little zoot sketch done in illustrator which I quite like, I think the style certainly has the potential as a web comic, but we shall see how long it would take to produce each strip in illustrator alone, although there's always the idea of keeping a 'bank' of bits of pieces (eyes, Hands, Backgrounds etc) so each strip could be put together like a jigsaw. Its something that I'd have to experiment with though.

Many thanks for the Kind words of Sarah from Scampiart about my sketches, I'm looking forward to seeing some concept art from her up-coming comic very soon! She's trying to get to grips with using a Graphic Tablet, which Is something I've always wanted to try. Maybe If I ask her nicely she could teach me???...

Happy Birthday to Leanne by the way! We (Me and Tell) hope to see you soon for some alcohol fueled belated birthday celebrations...


At 3:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the work man, Zoot is awesome.

New style is also a fave in my book, being so clean it really suits the character.

Personally, I love the guy in the background of the 'Fear on the Dark' image. Lets see more of him!

All in all, keep up the good work. There's serious talent there that is not to be wasted.


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