Thursday, August 31, 2006

Busy busy busy...

Not posted much on here recently, so thought I'd do a quick update...
Works the same, all plodding along nicely, although I was off for two days last week with a bad neck. It's amazing how much hassle and stress you can cause when you have a day off sick - I didn't realise I was appreciated that much! Oh hang on, thats right, I'm not....

Wig is moving down to Bath this weekend, so we're having a good-bye drink, so thats gonna be sad, although it's not like we're not going to see him for a while - we're going on holiday a week later!

A while ago Wig (from Apathy in the Uk - see left for link) and I used to do little sketching competitions judged by our fair Mr Beard. We've recently decided to start them up again, only time we're doing a three way (?) with Sarah (from Scampiart - see left for link). Never met her before but I've seen her work and I know I'm gonna have to pull something a bit special out of the bag even to compete with her and wig... Game on! Here is the brief -

"Right you want something to do a modern,adult, cutting edge concept on. Well
here is a selection of Childrens programmes we all know and love, choose a
character (or two) and off you go. Here's the list, you may not like it,
but I don't care. :)

Count Duckula
Chorlton and the Wheelies
Trap Door

As for time I'm sure 4 weeks should be enough to see something produce, if
you disagree let me know and I'll laugh at you. Now get to it, your lucky I
didn't stick in Worzel Gummidge."

Really have to get cracking on it...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

2 Weeks and 2 days...

...Till our Holiday! Whoo-hoo!

Its been really quiet the last week or so, quite dull really. Quite looking forward to the next few weeks though... Next Monday is a Bank Holiday, followed by Pay Day on the Thursday, followed by our Holiday the following Friday, followed by my Brand spanking new car being delivered the following Tuesday! Yay! It's not even been built yet!!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sooo slow

Its going really slowly today. I haven't got that much work on, so that could be a reason. It's also dead quiet here today too. I also have a craving for Peanut M&M's...

Thought I'd post an old drawing I did a while ago.

Monday, August 14, 2006

On the Nightshift...

Just added a link to the Nightshift films website. Nightshift Films is a low budget film company I'm involved with started by my old Friend Stu a few years ago. I can't remember my 'official title' in the company, but it involves designing lots of things at short notice and trying to visualize and put down on paper things that exist only in his warped mind... I won't go into detail but lets just say the words 'Badger' and 'Licking' have been used several times in the same sentence...

Changing Style...

Went to the memerobilia fair with Craig at the NEC yesterday. Talk about a complete Geek heaven - I was in awe!!! Way too much nice stuff to spend hard earned cash on...
It did make me really wanna come home and draw though, and got me thinking about a web comic. I have a few vague idea, but we shall see how the sketches turn out.
I have been playing about with different styles too, and I came up with this little zoot sketch done in illustrator which I quite like, I think the style certainly has the potential as a web comic, but we shall see how long it would take to produce each strip in illustrator alone, although there's always the idea of keeping a 'bank' of bits of pieces (eyes, Hands, Backgrounds etc) so each strip could be put together like a jigsaw. Its something that I'd have to experiment with though.

Many thanks for the Kind words of Sarah from Scampiart about my sketches, I'm looking forward to seeing some concept art from her up-coming comic very soon! She's trying to get to grips with using a Graphic Tablet, which Is something I've always wanted to try. Maybe If I ask her nicely she could teach me???...

Happy Birthday to Leanne by the way! We (Me and Tell) hope to see you soon for some alcohol fueled belated birthday celebrations...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Whats that coming over the hill...?

Ok, so heres a page from my sketch book I don't think many people have seen (including Craig). Very rough mind you.
I have a thing for dragons...

My eyes! Ze Goggles, they do Nothing...

My eyes feel red raw today... Usually i wear contacts only when they are comfortable and glasses the rest of the time, only I snapped my glasses in half on Wednesday, and so I have no choice, plus the fact that my Hay fever is bad this morning....
Anyway, at least it's Friday. Having a lazy day tomorrow and going to the NEC for a Memerobilia fair thing on Sunday with Wiggy. He has a new comic up by the way on his website Apathy in the UK , Check it out - It's awesome! May scan a few sketches in later, but only if I have time...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Just thought I'd get the usual few images up here so I have something slightly interesting to brighten my page up... You people who know me would of seen these hundreds of times before...

This is Zoot, a little character I've been drawing for some years but I'm yet to use him in any years. I'm kinda fond of him though, I think he has potential...

If I get round to it, I may post a few Zoot comic strips, I have a few ideas in the old Grey Matter..
We shall see though, it's been a while since I've had any proper drawing time.

Let there be light...


No idea how often I will update this, but thought I start a Blog as a distraction from work. This will just be a blog of the random crap that swims around in my head on a day to day basis... All good fun really.